
Waimakariri Food Producers Tourism Incubator.

Christchurch NZ and Made North Canterbury were looking to create a Tourism Food Incubator to investigate ways to create food tourism experiences for premium produce producers in the Waimakariri area.

This would enable the producers to align their brands to visitors creating a deeper connection to their products, provide for wider advertising opportunities and ultimately to link a group of producers together for a wider tourism product / tourism food trail. It is envisaged that this food trail will provide a platform for marketing the wider North Canterbury area as a destination for visitors to the region.

Location: Waimakariri, New Zealand

Services provided

  • Workshop on the process of experience design including and the importance of story telling and how to have customer conversations

  • Site visits and high level experience design opportunities for 5 producers

  • Pre Feasibility concept design

  • Mini business case including high level budget and delivery


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